Goodness gracious, how the time does fly! I've been meaning to share these fun photos of us with Mr. Dog at the Bay Area Book Festival, which happened across the bay in Berkeley, California, back in June.

We transformed a rather bland little 8x8 foot square into a proper Hollow Tree celebration in record time, early on a Saturday morning, and spent the next two days meeting and greeting Mr. Dog fans new and old.

Our photobooth with lifesize Mr. Dog was a big hit!

The Hollow Tree Bulletin Board was replete with the latest news and offerings from Mr. Dog and friends.

Our gorgeous book was beautifully displayed with Deep Woods trimmings.

Did anyone contact Mr. Crow for lessons?! If so, we'd love your feedback.

We think Mr. Possum is a fine catch, despite his shortcomings in the spelling department.

Cynthia and Adam (our book's designer and illustrator, respectively) popped into the photobooth with Mr. Dog, of course.
Thanks to those of you who stopped in to say hello! And for those who missed it, we hope you enjoy this virtual tour of the festivities.