The Mr. Dog Blog
The Mr. Dog Blog — Story Behind the Story
What do you believe in?
Friday, November 30, 2018
As I’ve written before, my dad has read Mr. Dog’s Christmas to me every Christmas Eve since I was two years old. I don’t remember those very early readings, of course. In fact, I don’t have recollections of Christmas until my sixth—a Christmas that’s immortalized in my family for an incident that ended with me being sent to my room. It’s also the Christmas that marked my transition from believer to playing-along-er. One of many magical Christmases past. “My parents heartily encouraged believing. They went all out to make Christmas a truly magical experience. Among the many weird and wonderful rituals they established was the burning of the wish list.” By my sixth year I was beginning to explore the...

Friday, November 11, 2016
Sometimes I question whether the work I’ve chosen is worthwhile, important, valuable. Mr. Dog's Christmas at the Hollow Tree Inn being part of the work I do, and this time of year being “Mr. Dog High Season,” and things being the way they've been lately, the worthiness question has been on my mind this week. I started this project to share a story that is very simple but profoundly meaningful to me. In that sense, Mr. Dog feels like my artwork, even though I’m neither the author nor the illustrator. Despite those lofty creative feelings, there have been many days since I started the project, over three years ago, that I’ve questioned the value of my efforts. There are things happening...

Becoming a publisher: one year later
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
It dawned on me recently: this month marks my 1st year anniversary as a publisher. It still feels strange to call myself that, though it’s undeniable that I have 1) produced a book, 2) sold that book, and now have even 3) reprinted that book with the intention of selling more of them. I’m pretty sure that’s what a publisher does. I may still be settling into my new title, but I'm truly happy and grateful to be here—headed into another Christmas season as Mr. Dog's publisher. In January 2014, shortly after I began working on Mr. Dog, I joined a mastermind group with five other entrepreneurial women. At our first meeting, we made sticky note nametags, stating one big...

interview with Mr. Dog's designer: Cynthia Wigginton
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Greetings, Readers! Today I’m delighted to share an interview between our publisher, Betsy, and our book’s designer, Cynthia Wigginton. As you’ll learn, Cynthia’s creative talents aren’t limited to graphic design. She’s also an incredibly accomplished musician with some amazing stories from her rock and roll* life. Enjoy! Your faithful friend, * Betsy had to tell me what “rock and roll” meant, but she assured me that you’ll understand. Designer and musician, Cynthia Wigginton, photo © Bart Nagel Betsy: What were your favorite books as a little girl? Are there any in particular that have inspired your interest in book design? Cynthia: I've always been an avid reader, so this is a tough question! I admire the work of so...

interview with illustrator Adam McCauley
Thursday, October 08, 2015
Greetings, Friends!
My oh my, but it's been a long time since I've blogged! To make up for my long absence, I have a wonderful little video interview with our illustrator, Adam McCauley, to share with you. Adam talks about developing the Hollow Tree characters—including yours truly, of course!—and about working with Betsy's family on this independent publishing project.
P.S. Did you know we're offering FREE SHIPPING* on all orders? It's a great way to stock up now on the Christmas gift that will be enjoyed for generations to come!*Free shipping ends 11/30/15 at midnight PST.