The Mr. Dog Podcast

Stomachs grumbling, the Hollow Tree people decide to visit Mr. Bear and his enormous pantry. Jack Rabbit declines to accompany them, and possibly for good reason.


With the snow still banked up over the windows, the Hollow Tree people keep food on the table and the fire blazing... until they can't any more. Mr. Possum's unusual behavior is finally explained.


Mr. Possum tells an incredible story about his relatives, causing the forest friends to question its veracity.


Mr. Robin tells a story about a discontented fox, but it fails to impress Mr. Possum. Mr. Dog lightens the mood with a performance called "The Cat Who Would Be King."


The literary club turns to more frivolous pursuits, as the animals start to get cabin fever. Jack Rabbit turns out to be a bit of a magician.
